Sunday, May 10, 2009

Death Valley

The Sand Dunes near Stovepipe Wells

We passed thru Death Valley on the way up to Southern Utah. Spent the night in Stovepipe Wells, where the temperature on arrival was a balmy 110. We felt like slabs of bacon frying in the sun as we walked around some of the local "attractions". A pretty bleak and stark landscape, especially after the lushness of Yosemite.

The old stage coaches at the Desert Borax Museum in Furnace Creek, which was about as well-named as any place on earth

The valley is just behind me in the photo above. Hard to believe that this was Spring, and that the REAL hot weather was still a month or two away.

Nice to have seen it, but I doubt we'll be returning any time soon.

Zion is next.

1 comment:

mullinsclan said...

I flew a low level around death valley once...