Sunday, May 15, 2011

Photos From the Archives

....or from the last Ice Age depending on your point of view.

Here are a couple of photos that my old friend Bob Fawcett found recently and forwarded to the members of our old company from the Naval Academy:

Taken in the Spring of 1966...our Plebe year. We started in the summer of '65 with 36. By the time of this photo we were down to 32, and would ultimately graduate 23 in 1969. That mortality rate was pretty typical in those days. As I recall our class started with around 1350 and graduated 869. Notice the expressions on most of the faces. Suffice to say we were NOT loving life at this point.

Taken the morning of June 4, 1969 as we were about to enter the stadium for the graduation ceremonies. There are a couple missing... but most of us are here. Contrast these expressions to those from 3 years earlier. Sadly, four of the guys in the picture have since passed away - most of them in the last 18 months.